

美文网编 分享




1、 She held the greatest hope, tried her best and planned for the worst.


2、 Love started because they appreciated each other; they fell in love because they were moved; they got married because they couldn't live without each other. But more importantly, they needed tolerance, forgiveness, habits and adaptation to live together for the rest of their lives.


3、 If one day we meet again on the road, and I tell you, "I'm very happy now." I must have pretended to be happy if I can only meet you again instead of living together? I told you that I was happy, but I didn't want you to know that I was actually very sad.


4、 "Happy": it's not because you have more, but because you care less


5、 In the end, I couldn't find a tear to remember our love.


6、 What should I say to Moore so that he won't be sad


7、 The train that loves you is not late. I miss you without blinking my eyes. The sweet journey has no end, and the romantic journey has no end. I love your heart, your eyes, and the light of love will always be gorgeous. I love you, kiss you, I love you so much.


8、 You are in the south, and I am in the north. The two lines that originally did not intersect are now intertwined.


9、 To tell the world with sadness, there was no unhappiness, but euphemistically rejected by love. It was like looking at someone's back, hiding her heartbreak with silence, and had to let go. She turned around lonely, looked up at him and said to herself perfunctorily. The last second passed again. She didn't want to cry for herself anymore, and she wanted to be proud and humble for herself.


10、 The love for her would never change.


11、 In the dead of the night, it was difficult to fall asleep facing a shadow. In the distance, do you know that I was thinking of you outside the window? The moon was as cold as frost, spreading all over the Western Tower, and I was slightly missing and worried. I don't know why I miss you so much and care about you so much. I know it won't work, and I know it's a mistake, but I still indulge myself in making mistakes again and again.


12、 In the rain. She needed to worry about herself.


13、 The person who created the opportunity was brave. The one who was waiting for an opportunity was a fool.


14、 One day in the future, we may forget this day. But I will be with you every day in the future! Because I love you!


15、 Maybe, you're not everything to me. You're just the man I need in my life.


16、 You can always find time and opportunity for what you want to do, and you can always find an excuse for what you don't want to do.


17、 Because of you, I become full of vitality; Because of you, I have changed my way of life; Because of you, my life is more wonderful! I can't imagine what will happen without you?


18、 The most romantic thing: holding your tender hand, leaning against the wind and frost; Lean on my broad shoulder, counting the vicissitudes of life in love; Hide in my strong chest, no longer overwhelmed by love; Love me and don't let you get hurt!


19、 Love is not only a symbol of friendship, but also a reliable guarantee for our common career. Love is a good companion in life. You sleep in the same bed with your beloved woman because of the common ideal that tightly bound your two hearts together.


20、 Leaving makes things easier. People become kind. Like children, we start over.


21. Where there is an ideal place, hell is heaven. Where there was hope, pain also turned into joy.


22. Fall asleep and wake me up in the next life. Then, can you let me settle down in this life.


23. Whose lovesickness is it?


24. I sketched this love with a pencil, leaving behind black, white and temporary memory. Do I have to wait for you? If I have to wait, I'm willing to wait.


The drizzle in 25 and March was like an amorous girl, gentle and [柔柔], who would never lose her temper; She was also like a half veiled lute girl, [娇娇] shy, infinite lingering, infinite attachment.


26. I am a chessboard, and you are a chessboard. We will play together forever.


27. The feeling of secretly loving a person is like a seed waiting to sprout in a bottle. One can never be sure whether the future is beautiful, but he is waiting sincerely and stubbornly.


28. If you say you are a wolf in sheep's clothing, then I am the sheep that is kept by the wolf.


29. This love not only warmed themselves, but also the hearts of the common people.


30. In a daze, it narrated the dim life parting. The old dreams, the bitter feelings, and the immortal promise. I'm willing to do anything for you. The winding road of the mortal world could no longer bear the deep love. I walked through mountains and rivers to find you. I looked at your haggard face with tears, but I could only wander alone in the mortal world of [深深] and [浅浅], with my heart broken. She could only leave some vague pictures in the words!


31 love is also a balance of greed and fear? The more she wanted to possess him, the easier it was to lose him. Love was a balance between possession and loss.


32. After I knew you, I found that there was really a magic in the world that could make some smiles bloom in my heart like fireworks. I know this change is called "love".


33. Dance to the end of the world and play a romantic and sad song.


34. There is a kind of love, called growing old together, and a kind of happiness, called to have you accompanying. Companionship and understanding were more important than love.


35. If two men chase a woman, the one with shallow love will give up first; Two women chased a man and gave up the one with deep love.


36 love can create miracles, fill the gap and destroy barriers.


37. As long as you are always with me, nothing else matters.


38 time not only allows you to see through others, but also allows you to see yourself clearly.


39. I picked up the moonlight and melted it in the sweetness of love; I took down the starlight and inlaid it in the happiness of love; I will read the time and engrave the promise in our lives. I love you!


40. She didn't know how to let go of the past, but later she did, but got hurt!


41. Do you know that you can get out of my sight, but you will never get out of my deep longing for you; You can stay away from me, but you can never leave my deep attachment to you.


42. It's not that no one is good to me. Why should I feel wronged to flatter myself all the time.


43. If no one wants you, come to me. I will tell you that I don't want you either


44. Go with loneliness and wandering.


45. Since you don't love me, why are you with me?


46. I pretend that I don't care about you, but it hurts myself.


47. There were too many blank spaces for love, but there were too few words for love.


48. I can feel happiness by your side, so I want to snuggle in your arms forever to find the heaven of love.


49 no matter how time changes, our past will never change.


50. Happiness is to find a warm person and live a lifetime.


51. The life or death of others has nothing to do with me, but I can't sit by as long as you frown slightly.


52. I have always thought that I am a very rational person in terms of love. I can control the size and know how to measure the distance, but in front of you, I am out of order and lose my soul. Is this the so-called love? I don't know. I really don't know. I just know that this feeling is very beautiful and sweet. I don't want to give it up and it's unforgettable.


53. True love is not to pay all, but to make yourself a better person. Love didn't respond. It was better to go away proudly than to beg for love. In a relationship, the one who cared the most often lost the most miserably in the end. Finding someone who can make you happy for a lifetime is the goal of love. The best is always the one who has been with you for the longest time. There were three points in choosing a lover: not to lie to you, not to hurt you, and to accompany you.


54. I hope that the enthusiasm of passers-by in Hengyuan city has decreased, and we are still together.


55. She couldn't help but feel sad, so she slowly learned to hide it. She didn't want to be stabbed again, so she gradually learned to disguise.


56 miss, you are so cute. For our next generation, would you consider falling in love.


57. It was full of hatred. The one who drank the ignorant, the moon was bright, the pen was connected with intent, the ink was sad, and the sun was setting. The one who came back in the desolate afterglow was sad for the oath he made yesterday, and the pen was messy. Was there still no cloud in the lonely sky. The sadness of the wind bell and my loneliness broke into your longing for [霓裳] under the moon.


58. I'm used to a person, to his personality, to his loveliness and hatefulness, and to having him in my life. It's not as easy as quitting coffee or cigarettes to give up without looking back.


59. Mercy is a loan. For the sake of caution, you'd better not abuse it.


60 "I said I caught a cold and didn't get too close to you. Then you suddenly kissed me." she felt very warm and stayed.


